Kick-off meeting within VIVET
Kick-off meeting within the project “VIVET – Virtual Internships for Vocational Education and Training” was held from the 27th to 29th of November 2017 in Belgrade.
During the meeting, representatives from partner organizations, among which was Interprojects, had an opportunity to discuss in depth the project’ activities, intellectual outputs, dissemination activities and quality control. The state of the art regarding the organization of virtual internships in Serbia, Bulgaria, and Italy was presented as well as advantages and drawbacks regarding the organizations of these internships in Europe. The special attention was dedicated to the discussion of development of a model for virtual internships in vocational education and training system and platform for organizations of virtual internships.
Belgrade Open School (BOS) will carry out the project in cooperation with the organization Interprojects(Bulgaria), Technical school from Uzice (Serbia) and University of Padova (Italy). Project activities are carried out in the period from 1st of September 2017 to 30th of April 2019. The project is supported by the program Erasmus+.